El Thorvaldo Moderator

Rudolph Krieger Character Reference

Species: Human*
Birthday: 1973
Age: ca. mid-30s
Place of Birth: Germany
Gender Identity: Male
Pronouns: He/him

An army captain and former soldier in the German Kommando Spezialkräfte, now serving under contract with the Eastern Union as part of a Spetsnaz unit. Krieger was originally created in a one-off visual gag, but became part of the core cast of a cartoon project preceding my involvement with DRAW Your Own Story—his original role merged quite cleanly into the universe, although there are several aspects of his character that have not been publicly disclosed, notably recurring hints at being involved in a supersoldier programme. Rudolph, Peter and Mikhail form a trio of friends, and prior to his shanghai by DYOS 10.5 typically appeared in gag strips alongside Peter as the suffering straight man.

  • His bandana is always worn during active duty. There is a lorewise reason for this, but it has not been revealed in-story.
  • Captain2 identifies Rudolph by his nickname, "der Einsame Wolf" (the Lone[ly] Wolf].
  • Rudolph is my only character to canonically bridge the original timeline fork between DYOS X.ii and XI. His crossover introduction into Part II references the Hacker's recent cosmic vandalism.
  • Stylesrj once confused Krieger for Mr. Toyoda. Ironically, they are later both seen within the Nazi base.
  • I consider him even more psychologically complex than Toyoda.

Peter Gradunov
Straight man to Peter's comic foil. Appreciates his company, if not necessarily his behaviour.

Mikhail Ulyanovich
Friend and colleague.

Canadian Junta
Theatre command to which Rudolph is initially attached in DYOS X–XI.

Mr. Toyoda
Associates in the pre-DYOS project, their connection is revealed in this comic by a Coruscanti intelligence file. Their exact familiarity has yet to be clarified in the story.

Kurt Schäffer
Familiar through clandestine action during Coruscant's First Nazi War; re-encountered after being captured during the Third. Rudolph seems to sympathize with Schäffer's plight and acts as a confidant for the marshal's disillusionment. Schäffer leaks classified information about the Space Nazis' operations to Krieger, and engages in a mock fight to provide them both an alibi for his escape.

Ernust Ekkehard
Despises. Previous acquaintances via the First Nazi War, although Ekkehard does not initially recognize him.