@CronoCat || Profile
Crono Cat

@CronoCat (Crono Cat)
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It's been a while...
16 June, 2002
They / Them / Theirs / Themself
WY, Unspecified
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Hi, I'm just you're irregular, thin, pale, computer obsessed, unaverage male. I don't get bored, as a general rule I've got a long attention span, and when I become bored I try not to impose on others to make me unbored. I live in WY. Many people say WY is boring, but I don't really see how anyone can get bored when they have the internet at their fingertips. I roleplay on a message board, but aren't often really "busy." I have a Kazaa account and my life revolves around Zip disks. If there was a fire, I'd probably save them first. I'm reading We by Yevgeny Zamyatin right now in some of my spare time, drawing when I have inspiration, (about every week, mainly practice) and dancing if I have the energy. I've got a long attention span although I love to multitask. The usual: 0 hours of TV most often everyday. I only started drawing about 9 months ago, so I'm not as good as I'd like to be, I'm most interested in anthropromorphic critters, but I'm open to suggestions. Comment if you wish and I'll see you later! ~_^

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