Chesspiece, color, reflective by @CronoCat (Crono Cat)
Well, this is the result of about 4-5 hours of creating the mesh and fiddling with the lighting and so on. I know that all of the shadows aren't perfect, but it took my computer long enough to render as it was... maybe someday I'll actually bother to fix this... but I think that it looks good as it is. Rampshading is great and I'll most definately use it in future after discovering how cool it really is... I used Subsurfing for the mesh and this piece is also raytraced to make the board look more believable. I'd love some comments.
Medium: Blender 2.36
cool chess piece, i like it the way it is. heh, blender...i have used that porgram before, looooong time ago, i would have to relearn the program from scratch if i were to attepmt to use it again.