@Alleya || Profile
Alleluia Eyrie
Right. So. Me, huh? Ummmmmmmmm . . . I write - badly. I read - well. I used to beat people with padded PVC pipe every Friday - believe it or not, it was a club at my high school, hiding behind the appellation "Renaissance Reenactment Club". I'm good at doing that, too. I also draw, or something like it.
I have a scanner - two, if you want to get picky - so I have no excuse for my slow update rate. Suffice it to say that I'll try to be quicker. However, the things that I currently have up, and anything I add, will not be polished, professional, good art. It will be pencil, sketches, and bad. Just warning you.
Yeah. So. I'm a rural country bumpkin. Really. I have chickens. Sheep. The whole shebang. Thank goodness for satellite TV and DSL.
I draw thanks to a sister who's a total art person. I used to be really awful, but I've progressed to just sorta awful. Whee. -_- So far, my "art" is veeeeeery limited. It's pretty much human faces that all look kinda similar. Go figure. ^^