I exist I guess lol Came from DA ?
Welcome! We're becoming something of a lifeboat for the dAsaffected. ;P
Welcome to Side 7! If you have any comments, questions, or issues, feel free to hit me up.
Welcome to Side 7!
Ay thanks! So far Imma be honest I prefer this site over DA lol the layout is much more pleasant ?
welcome welcome! I still kinda consider myself new, but this site is lovely so far as I’ve met more mutuals here than I have on ToyHouse, dA, or anywhere else in the past couple of months ^_^
All my mutuals are on DA ? SO YOU'RE LUCKY LOL
bring them here >>>:)
dying I HONESTLY TRIED - only like 2 showed up ?
The struggle is real. ;_; I conscripted a handful of friends onto freaking B*zzly (right at the start, before everything went to pot), but literally none of them have followed me to the good site. Including, despite my incessant lobbying, someone who's already been burned by dA Staff.
I get that it's hard to break a monopoly, but I still feel like I'm doing something wrong. D:
I had to stay on DA just bc none of my friends joined here ??? it sucks but I can't force em.
Though one epic friend o mine did join big happy