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Dead websites you're love and/or at least you remember - Started by: Masonicon
RE: Dead websites you're love and/or at least you remember
Posted: 23 Dec 2024, 03:02 AM

Oh man...Foopets! Seeing this thread reminded me of my grief! *Soft, virtual sobbing*

RE: Dead websites you're love and/or at least you remember
Posted: 29 Dec 2024, 06:53 PM It got shut down because it was full of creeps, and although I met some people that turned toxic in the end, I also met some genuinely nice people. For a while, the page said it wasn't permanent and it would eventually reopen, but now it's just gone. After it said that for 4 years.

Omegle as well, which got shut down for similar reasons. But I came across Emerald Chat, which is a nice substitute.

RE: Dead websites you're love and/or at least you remember
Posted: 29 Dec 2024, 10:18 PM
This post has been edited 1 time. Last edit on 29 Dec 2024, 10:36 PM.

HTFSocial(back when I first joined it in early 2010s, It's the most toxic place online at the time where most of it's people hate or lolcows me until I got banned for no good reasons, and it's people doesn't talk about Happy Tree Friends. and it's shutdowns in 2014, where I visits any of it's reincarnations only to finds out InnocentDarkside's continued harassment of me was because of his friend's overreaction to my fan-ideas. and I also finds out lot of it's so-called regs are become better people and moves on from HTFSocial's toxicity)

RE: Dead websites you're love and/or at least you remember
Posted: 30 Dec 2024, 08:03 AM

I used to spend a lot of time on sites that let you adopt digital pets but the only one I remember rn is Valenth, and you didn't really do much with the pets.

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