How Do I...

  • Join Side 7?

    At the top, right corner of every page is a "Sign Up" link (unless you're logged in, but then, why do you need to register?). Simply click that and you're on you way to becoming a Side 7 member!

    You'll need to confirm your account through e-mail, so please ensure that your e-mail account is set up to accept e-mail from!

  • Remove my account?

    Log into your account. Go to your dashboard. In the menu to the left is "Settings". Click that and scroll to the bottom of the page. There will be a red box with a checkbox to flag your account for removal. Check that and click "Save Settings". Your account will be deactivated after 30 days, and your username, avatar, submissions, and journals deleted from the site.

  • Change my username?

    Usernames are not typically changeable manually. If you would like to change your username, you can use our Help Request form to ask for it.

    Please understand, for security reasons, we don't typically do this, and requests are considered on a case-by-case basis and are not guaranteed to be approved.

  • Add a new member to my Museum Page?

    You must be logged in to add someone to your Museum page.

    While viewing any page under the member's account (e.g., Gallery, Profile, etc.), there is a "Follow" link at the top of the page, in the user's header. Alternately, there is also a "Follow" link on the right-hand side of a member's content page.

  • Add, edit, or remove journals?

    Log into your account. Hover your cursor over the "Submit" menu in the top right and select "Journal". Alternatively, click the "Add New Entry" button on your public Journal page.

    To edit a journal, go to your dashboard. In the menu on the left-hand side, click "Manage Journal", then "Edit" for the desired entry. Alternatively, click "Edit This Entry" when on the relevant journal page.

    To delete a journal, navigate to "Manage Journal", and click "Delete" for the desired entry.

  • Create or join user groups?

    Log into your account. Hover your cursor over the main menu in the top left (three bars next to the Side 7 logo) and click "Groups". Alternatively, click "Browse Groups" in the right hand of the "Newest Groups" window on the main page.

    To join a group, click "Join" or "Request to Join" on the desired group, or when on the group's page, the equivalent button in its header. If group membership is moderated, you will need to wait for a group admin to approve your application.

    To create a group, click "Create A Group" on the right hand side underneath the "What Are Groups?" window. Note that while most group info can be edited, the group name cannot be changed.

    Users may create up to three groups by default, and can unlock unlimited ownership with an account perk.

  • Delete a group?

    As an owner, navigate to "Manage Group". At the bottom of the right-hand column is a red window labeled "DELETE GROUP". Enter the group's name as given in the header and click "Delete". Termination is immediate and irreversible.