Seymour-Age 17 by @froswrig (Frost Wright)
I did this just for the fun of it. If Jyscal was such a moron to him when he was a kid.. you'd think in his Teenager years he'd get back at him ( You know how Teens have that rebelious streak to them). Well, this is my representation of that. Even if they don't have fishnet in Spira XD
Teen (
Rough / Concept
22y298d ago
I've come to terrorize thy gallery! My art teacher's so nice, she let me on. I'm bored. I don't want to go to advanced english and spar with my teacher, miss wannabe cheerleader. Ew. Anyhow, Seymour looks cool in this one, even though Aile's still mad at him. What's he doing? It looks as if he's yanking around some tiny person on an odd ribbon. Or something. Hehe, I have to go. Forced to attend pointless repititions of the same old thing. We're in... dundundundun! Mass media, in adv. english. Ciao. I'll remark on your other pictures later. Be. Afraid. The Celebi is out to get you!