@froswrig || Profile
Frost Wright
You wanna know about me? ::Mun blinks and gives a bright grin:: Well, whaddya know? <BR> I guess to start off is that I live in New York and I'm in my senior year of highschool.. I'm looking into colleges and all that other bull at the moment. ::Chuckles:: <BR><BR> Other then that, I'm looking to major in video-game design or illustration. No, I haven't decided yet. I guess I will though when the time comes. <BR> Anyway..I'm pretty much into the whole anime-roleplaying scheme if you haven't noticed from my pictures. <BR>I like to take things and distort them so much you wouldn't reckognize that person. Though I'm always looking foward to meeting new anime-artist freaks. So if any of you take an intrest, give me a gander or something else if you want.