Wow! Thank you so much!!
The original picture (that featured a guy) ahd the same sort of jacket but I didn't want to draw all the buckles so I made it pretty simple.
... Er ... I'm still horrible with Photoshop so it's really my inexperience that explains my lack of a background ... but I prefer simple stuff anyway unless it's a painting or something.
Thank you so much!! (again)
hehe... I have a lot of gun troubles too. x_x'
First off... I'm really digging that jacket, I like the way her hair kind of drapes around the collar. Nice job in dressing her, in general, actually, I like the choice of clothes. Secondly, I like the way you colored it; looks nice and simplistic, with no overloading detail, which is a nice approach to take... the color of her clothes really goes with the background, it's got a nice monotone look that pulls it all together. The color choice helps her skintone and hair really stand out; all in all, it's a damn good color scheme.
Thirdly, that's a pretty good pose. Like the slouch -- badittude! xD