Diagon Alley Trouble! by @froswrig (Frost Wright)
Hehe.. This in one of the first chapters in HP's 'Chamber of Secrets'. Now I forgot who the person Lucius was talking to.. So I just used what I imagened ( Some dirty old man :P). Anyway, this took me quite a long time ;)
oooOOOooohh.. Lucius ish SEX-AYYY!!! :D :D :D lol! XD I'm just kidding. :9 Is that Dobby dee house elf in the front? I pictured him like... y'know.. one of those trolls you can buy for you mantle piece. XD Now I kinda picture him like a bat-like creature or.. I'm rambling arnt I? Anywho, AWSOMENESS PICTURE! You know your stuff yeous you do! +(o_~)+