LOL @ the Valon comments. XD
Well, Alister is supposed to look weary, so it's good if he does. In the fic, he went through three different fights before this happened. Valon was involved in the last one (well, the first as well, but that's irrelevant here) and that's how he got knocked out. The gangsters then decided to leave them to perish in the collapsing house.
You're right about the goggles. muses on how to fix that in the future.
LOL. Cute. Valon's expression is priceless too. XD It seems like he's leaning back in shock like he just woke up, or as you said, he's proclaiming he's not an anklebiter. He must really mean it. XP
And poor Alister, he looks a bit weary. I find it interesting . . . in this pic, he almost looks more like real-lifish than YGO style. I think it's the eyes. XD; Valon's goggles also look a bit more like sunglasses.