No worries, mate by @Lucky_Ladybug66 (Daisy Hunt)
Lot of explaining to do here. XD; Okay, so. . . . Alister and Valon were both being mind-controlled by Yami Marik and were forced to duel each other. Eventually, after both were weakened and injured from the duel, Yami Marik brought about Alister being chained up on a board thing similar to what Mai was chained to. Then he, through Valon, tried to call the final attack that would kill him. Valon broke the control, but not before the attack had been called. So he struggled to get over in front of Alister to protect him from the blast and here has fallen to his knees. Undaunted, he throws his arm in front of Alister as he tries to get up again.
Raphael had been chained up as well, though he isn't in danger. He is forced to watch his two friends fight each other against their wills. (If his arms could be seen all the way, they're chained to the wall.) In the RP, he was not chained, but I needed some way to fit him in the remaining space of this pic and having him be chained sounded like a good way to do it. He is upset because he is powerless to do anything and because he knows that one of the other two is likely to die no matter what happens.
The name of the picture derives from dialogue in the RP where this approximate scenario happened.
Alister: .... is able to break the control. ......... Valon? looks at him dazedly.
Valon: gets in front of him right before the blast hits. No worries, mate.
Then there's a big boom and when the dust clears, both Valon and Alister are laying lifeless on the floor. Raphael is alarmed, poor thing. But of course they're both alright in the end.
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