:D Immensely clever. (bookmarks) And have I mentioned -- I love how you do eyes and lips. They're just...nice. And colorful.
And I love those boots.
my art: www.side7.com/art/daniwill
Taryn Sanders
Ryoko from the 'Tenchi' series, one of the coolest characters in Anime' ^- She looks pretty nice just floatin' there, eh? And if you can guess who inspired the outfit she's wearing, I'll give you 20 extra points (but the points don't matter heh heh ^^) Sorry, no hints!
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I know this one. ok, sheesh. Hang on, let me think. UHH UHHHH HEEEE UHHHHGH (you get the point). I can't. It's Dib's cloths you moron. He he, pushes Gaz back in the closet. I thought I locked all of them in, I could've sworn. Oh, yeah it's Dib's clothes. I love it Taryn, as I do all your art!
anybody know where i can get a jacket like dib has? i can't find one. i need it by 6/12/03. and i'm in north-western vermont so the only stores around here are like sears, jc penny, hot topic, not much. i could look in montreal but i'm not going back up until a week after i need it. any ideas send 'em to clowcorp_armada@hotmail.com
thank you.
I LOVE THE PIC! I love Ryoko-Sama and she looks awesome in those clothes! ^^