Magical. Absolutely magical. You got everything so perfect- the background, the shading, the figure poses.. @_@ I remember that concert. It sent shivers up my spine. Then I ran down to Boston and got the soundtrack ^.^
One thing, though- It's a bit blurry. :O If you sharpened it a little more, it'd be great- but I dunno if you wanted the blurriness or not, so. :3
Great job! ^_^<3V does first comment dance
Magical. Absolutely magical. You got everything so perfect- the background, the shading, the figure poses.. @_@ I remember that concert. It sent shivers up my spine. Then I ran down to Boston and got the soundtrack ^.^
One thing, though- It's a bit blurry. :O If you sharpened it a little more, it'd be great- but I dunno if you wanted the blurriness or not, so. :3
Great job! ^_^<3V does first comment dance