@srom || Profile
srom noname
a poem called 'excitement'
woooooooooooooooooooo i get the next metal gear game tonight solid snake is grey and hidden but a crimson trigger pull when but occiasionaly sighted is complementary and similar at the same time to green life bar woopwoopwopp when the THEs are packed one by one like spreading packing tape on boxes and shelving them in the satisfaction aisle of the mind blue makes green as snake crouches on (ironic) legs through stark white sound and lets not forget a yellow mullet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [end]
don't worry, i don't normally write poetry anyway. but as you see, i like all sorts of different stuff. especially when related to the arts.
all of my visual art looks different. if you see anything that they have in common, tell me because i'm in my third year of art school and don't have much of an idea of what direction it's all going in.
give me feedback anytime, cos it's always feedingtime. for comments, that is.
oil paints are still of the devil.