@salendola || Profile
Edmee Sierts
Hey there, everyone! Before we begin I should tell you my real name is Edmee. (Don't know why I didn't just call myself that, but then again, I am insane).I finally decided to get a gallery, am hoping for many comments, be they pos. or neg. At this moment there's not much in here, but I'm working on it. But I suppose I should tell you about me. I am eighteen years old, actually just quit artschool (we didn't really go well together) and am not of sane mind. But then again, who is? Have recently started writing a Denethor fan fic (the object of my affection) (hate the title, but have yet to find descent alternative), and am working on a series that covers several other books, movies and anime. first Episode takes place in Hellsing. And I am a big fan of Jack Sparrow (and an even bigger one of Barbossa), but that will soon be more obvious when I have more art up here. the silly thing is, I draw more Jack than Barbossa, but then again Jack is more fun to draw. Not to mention that I love Alan Rickman! (there is no logic whatsoever in this bio, sorry folks) Yay! I love to read Shakespeare, Jane Austen, Emily Dickinson. Am also loving the Harry Potter books, and LOTR. Snape rulez! Well, that's it for now, when I have more to tell you, I will. Toodlepip!