@ookamij64 || Profile

@ookamij64 (Julie)
Last Seen:
1d14h ago
24 October, 2024
Gender Nonconforming
She / Her / Hers / Herself
16 February
Missouri, United States
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Usually I put my pronouns and name here in bio but it's already done for me, hahaha...

Regardless, I've been a former hermit artist deciding to go online once more. Mostly I draw a ton more than what you're going to see here and elsewhere.

Mostly drawing for the sake of fun and it's sticking to that. Number of views and followers don't matter much to me personally but I also don't care much for filler likes/follows - aka any that are there for the sake of making numbers bigger. I like to do more than just draw and that tends to make this spot very quiet at times as well as other socials with art as the basis.

Socials like Pillowfort and to a certain extent any with a journal feature I usually make more texts than art uploads.

Still a work in progress, I'm more on Mobile for the time being and can't really do much of any heavy duty writing in bio.

Latest Journal Entry
Quick Update
10 Nov 2024, 11:18 PM

Cross posting this to whichever socials I have an active posting on and just have that feeling of someone being concerned about my lack of uploads...

Long story made short: us elections happened and I'm trying to go full silent aside from funny memes and positive posts on places like FB, sometimes Tumblr despite hating it still, and to a certain extent Pillowfort. Which means art socials aren't getting much love (I'm so sorry...) and thus, that's the reason for this post.
My main concern is that it seems like we don't have as much privacy now regardless of it still not the start of the new term for the fella that needs no name drops. It was rough before now, but I don't trust that to continue and it'll get worse before getting better. I do miss posting art when I can but I also am taking this time to just self care for myself and enjoy a bit of life before it happens to take a u-turn.

Much like everyone else, I feel very scared and absolutely mortified of what's to come but I don't think playing defeatist is going to help either. It's going to be a rough ride through now to whenever but I encourage you to help your fellow neighbors that might be scared - the ones that might be vulnerable most of all - and keep them lifted up.
I know not a lot of folks think the same way I do but all I can say is trust that maybe the Lord above knows how this ends and just leave it up to him on what I can do from here on out.
I do intend to draw a bit offline, but my child half wants to play her Switch or her glamorous New 2DS XL - and that's not a bad idea either. Journaling is on the list as well considering that when I first found out the results, I was extremely angry and hurt - but nonetheless, unsurprised at the outcome. I can say about what went wrong/possible issues, but that's not what I'm posting about...

Stay safe out there kids and I hope to resume posting eventually.