@ookamij64 || Profile

@ookamij64 (Julie)
Last Seen:
5m49s ago
24 October, 2024
Gender Nonconforming
She / Her / Hers / Herself
16 February
Missouri, United States
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Usually I put my pronouns and name here in bio but it's already done for me, hahaha...

Regardless, I've been a former hermit artist deciding to go online once more. Mostly I draw a ton more than what you're going to see here and elsewhere.

Mostly drawing for the sake of fun and it's sticking to that. Number of views and followers don't matter much to me personally but I also don't care much for filler likes/follows - aka any that are there for the sake of making numbers bigger. I like to do more than just draw and that tends to make this spot very quiet at times as well as other socials with art as the basis.

Socials like Pillowfort and to a certain extent any with a journal feature I usually make more texts than art uploads.

Still a work in progress, I'm more on Mobile for the time being and can't really do much of any heavy duty writing in bio.

Latest Journal Entry
Quick Introduction
29 Oct 2024, 04:12 AM

Currently held this off for as much as possible as I get more used to being here. But I figured this is the most I can get to being comfortable before I forget I need to lay down some introduction stuff...

I'm Julie and I ended up giving Side7 a try mainly because I get tired of the usual stuff like AI ridden works and NFT this and that... Most of my works are safe for workplace view, but I'm not at all opposed to viewing some that might be a bit more centered towards an older audience. As mentioned in bio at time of writing this, I don't care much for having a huge follow, at most just a few folks that recognize and enjoy works I do.

Mostly got into art by the way most my age have done: fanart and fan characters. Slowly got into doing more original designs and it took off from there. Main subject has always been kemonomimi characters or humanoids. I do understand the whole they're partially furry but I still don't consider them that term personally.

Occasionally I do venting art but most of that is left private with the rare instances that are very tame. Even with some experience online, I still tend to be extremely anxious and don't post a whole lot - but I figured it's for the best so I don't train the brain to draw for a crowd. 

Activity here is going to be mostly me lurking in the background. Forums had been not something I enjoy a lot, and I do apologize for any unanswered replies... I do read them but sometimes I forget to answer even with one in mind. 

I try to keep a Carrd page up to date with whatever I tend to use a lot of and the lit.link page attached to that somewhere is mainly for myself to keep track of places I had used but for one reason or another, forgot about. That, and also something about being autistic and how that impacts how I might respond and would like to utilize tone tags for better clarification...