@fairy_princess || Profile
Jessicaba Aguilera

@fairy_princess (Jessicaba Aguilera)
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It's been a while...
11 August, 2003
They / Them / Theirs / Themself
08 June, 1988
fairy_princess turned 36 this year.
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hola. me llamo jessica. haha j/k. hi i am jessica. or jessicaba. one of my many nicknames. lol anywhoo. i am just ur average person who likes to draw. my activities include drawing, playing the viola(ask what that is and i wll seriously hurt myself, lets just say its an instrument no one really wanted to play anymore) (damn violins j/k) anyway i also play sports as well as watch them. i love anime, realistic , and other drawings. i love to draw game pictures and book pictures and also fairies. :) but one important thing that i draw is a comic book series that i do with JT Mushroom aka sprite_remix is SHJL . awsomely funny comic coming out soon. (as soon as we finish our book. muhhaaha.) anyway more stuff about me is that i am the graduating class of 2006 . some may say good for you u are an adult in 2 years but boy is that wrong. some of those lucky few who arent in my class and live in my state know that my class has to pass this ridiculously stupid test called the "AIMS TEST" this test is a graduation requirement and holds the key to my future . ahhhhhhhhh anyway i better end this now . enjoy my pictures and comment if ya like and feel free to visit JT Mushroom's art gallery as well as Matt Thompsons art gallery (<<< they are very talented artist if i may say so myself) well ttyl! ~Jessica "PillowMan"

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