@dinverso || Profile
Daren Inverso
Hey, I'm Daren and I know you're just thrilled to meet me. How could you not? I am just about the neatest, sexiest and smartest person you'll ever meet.
And I'm full of it too.
Actually, I'm a quiet, slightly insane guy who watches copious amounts of anime and plays video games. I also write fiction, read, and... what was the other thing I do? Oh yeah! I draw. I draw alot and just about whatever comes to mind (which is usually something anime related). I am also going to college, so occasionally some of my work for class will be displayed too.
If you're interested in trades or commissions, feel free to ask, but I must warn you, I'm slooooooooow. So if you need it in October, ask me in March (well, I'm not that bad, but you get the idea).
I hope you enjoy my art and thanks for visting my gallery.