@animegirl924 || Profile
animegirl ma

@animegirl924 (animegirl ma)
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It's been a while...
11 August, 2003
They / Them / Theirs / Themself
24 September
I am a nomad!!lol, Unspecified
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HI, I am currently 17, 11th grader, and i am Asain!! My first good pic. was from the anime show DBZ. I had moved on to other anime and manga ever since. I hope to improve my art skills a lot and alot. I have quite a few artist that i admire VERY much.

Hobbies : drawing, reading, playing ping pong (don't laugh- it's great sport), daydreaming, staring into space, watching anime, sleep and last but not least, eating!!

Likes : Animals, my bed, yummy food, my pencil, my evil eraser, my square and round pins, my necklaces, my watch (broken--sob sob), anime dvds, mangas, my spongebob lunchbox and more.(I will add more when I think of them.)

Dislikes : bugs (eww-- stomp stomp), getting out of bed, studying for the SAT ( still have to do it), being sleepy and tired ( I feel that every morning, sometimes it lasts for the whole day), changing for gym ( too lazy), not having lunch ( i want my din din!!), old markers, dull pencil sharpeners and some other things. (Once again, i will add more when i remenber them.)

I recently discovered that my headache moved from the back of my head to the right of my head. I think it's a different kind of headache, b/c the ones i have usually hurts and feel like someone is trying to pull out my backbone from the back of my head. But the ones i have now feel weird. I suspect that there are worms inside my brain and are eating it away. If that's true, it will explain why i always forget stuff immediately and why i can't even do 1+1. (the 1+1 part isn't true, heehee) i don't know why the worms would choose my brain, since there is much in my head. But oh well, i guess they can have the whole brain if they want. Heehee.

i am not weird, i am ... er ... creative ... and ... special!!

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