@angelblood || Profile
Alice Ghost

@angelblood (Alice Ghost)
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05 January, 2002
They / Them / Theirs / Themself
29 April, 1987
angelblood turned 37 this year.
New Jersey, Unspecified
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Uhm. I hate starting these things. Trying to fit an apt description of who I am in such a small space seems impossible; I mean, where do I start? Well, I'll write whatever pops into my mind. It might not tell you who I am, but you can get a fuzzy mental picture, maybe.

I'm sixteen, a girl, and an obsessive artist. I like a lot of things... oekaki, thunderstorms, clementines, boys, beautiful (inside and out) people, books, sociology, certain anime titles, conversation and debate, bad jokes, playing in snow, the view outside my window, DDR, films that change me somehow, capuccino, capuccino with friends, anything that makes me laugh, my MassArt sweatshirt (I wear it too often), a myriad of other things... ;D

I like to be lazy. I collect road signs and hang them on my wall. I'm an only child, unbelievably spoiled with insanely diplomatic parents. I'm pretty open-minded, I think, and I like to consider things from all sides before deciding on anything. This is probably why I'm so confused all the time. :) I read webcomics, blogs, stories, other people's love letters, my e-mail, anything I can get my paws on. I rarely leave my computer unless there's something better to do. One of my all-time favourite pasttimes is joyriding... going nowhere to talk and listen. I daydream a lot. I don't have a favourite song. My favourite colours are blue and red. I believe that there are no bad people, only bad things that people do. My favourite countries are Iceland, Poland, France and Japan. I am an incurable wallflower.

Music: Belle and Sebastian, Broken Social Scene, Sigur Ros, Bjork, Radiohead, Coldplay, New Order, My Bloody Valentine, Metric, Nirvana, REM, SP, Flaming Lips, Death in Vegas, Grandaddy, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Beatles, the Cure, Yes, Jefferson Airplane, the Pillows, the Seatbelts.

Manga/anime: Love Hina, Naruto, Mononoke Hime, Jin Roh, Animatrix, FLCL, Totoro, Megatokyo (does that count?), Cowboy Bebop.

Books: 1984, Cat's Cradle, Narnia Chronicles, Brave New World, Catcher in the Rye, Animal Farm, Virgin Suicides, Summer Blonde, On the Road, anything by Ray Bradbury.

Films: Breakfast Club, Lost in Translation (seen it four times in the theatre, cried at the end every time XD), Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill (I love Quentin Tarantino), Donnie Darko, Sixteen Candles, American Beauty, Battle Royale, Run Lola Run.

Foods: Spicy ramen, beef teriyaki, miso soup, kimchee, cereal (Frosted Wheaties), ice-cream (butter pecan/maple walnut), bread and cheese, Tibetan, Malaysian, French, lots of stuff.

Wow... longer than I thought. Another fact about me... I've never been good at conclusions and endings. So, here goes: the end! :3

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