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@abyssEden (Ashley)
Last Seen:
09 April, 2024
They / Them / Theirs / Themself
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Hello there! I'm here to post stuff about my fictional universe, draw fan art, and just have a good time. The fictional universe in question is an odd thing, a vast labyrinthine structure that has worlds in it. It's also a big chaotic mess that nonetheless manages to maintain some sort of order, and has very different laws of reality compared to our own world. It would be neat to make something about it someday, but for now all we have are my drawings... sometimes. When the art gods decide so. Lol.

Latest Journal Entry
dream journal #1
29 Sep 2024, 06:31 PM

02 Aug 2024

I had a dream that was pretty meaningless and didn't go anywhere at the start. A lot of things were happening but it wasn't getting to the point. Until my brain decided that turning people into stone statues would be funny, after which it introduced a plot line where people would slowly, over period of days, get encased in stone.

The process was irreversible and the victim may not have been aware about it at the start, but they sure would realize what's happening after a while, even if it's just moments before full petrification, and they would be conscious up until the very end. After that they're just a statue. Petrification was happening in patches and generally spread from legs to head. Last thing to become stone were eyes.

I got to witness a girl and an old lady, with the old lady sitting on the bench and being blissfully unaware of what's happening to her. There was someone else sitting on the floor, but they were already petrified. Old lady only realized what's going on when she has almost finished petrification. The last thing to become stone always were eyes. No matter what expression the victim would have on their face otherwise, their eyes always were full of terror. I saw her eyes a few moments before scenery changed, it left such an impression on the dream version of me they were bawling their eyes out. I was surprised when I woke up and realized I wasn't actually crying. Took me a little longer than usual to get my thoughts together after this dream.

Oh, and also at some point this dream had Garfield for some reason, new music for one of my favorite games, Pony Island (it was fire), which made me confused as to why I never heard that, and also someone pranking people by flushing a hamster down the toilet. I was trying to blow the hamster away from there with the wind powers but was unsuccessful. The toilet monster got the hamster, anyways. May the hamster rest in peace, its sacrifice as a comedy sketch shall be remembered.