@WillowWhiskers || Profile
Carmen Aistrup
My biography used to say all sorts of stuff about my pets. Which, I must say, is a little strange. Now I'll talk at you about my niece, who is the only one who is as mental as me!
Legolas and Lestat live in her mind in the form of permanent hallucinations. She's nicknamed Legolas lenwe, got him a haircut, and bought him leather pants. Once she stole his shirts but he was unhappy about that so she bought more shirts. And these khaki shorts with an elastic waistband.
Lestat has been unhappy lately because he misses his Louis and Lenwe doesn't like to see him unhappy. Lestat is in love with Lenwe and although Lenwe wont admit it he sort of like Lestat that way too. No flames please, I can't effect my niece's hallucinations anymore than she can.
Lenwe and Lestat are always snuggling when they think Nicky isn't looking.
Before I weird you out further, I'll stop talking. But if you're halfway interested you can email JumboJackJava@yahoo.com and I'll talk at you more!