El Thorvaldo Moderator

Smelyn Koloszlow Character Reference

Species: Human
Place of Birth: Poland?
Gender Identity: Male
Pronouns: He/him

Army captain named in a communiqué from Kirill Gedeonin in the second round of Toyoda Papers. Another character from the pre-DYOS project, where he is a divisional commander ill-reputed for vainglorious and incompetent leadership, and personal antipathies that have directly endangered subordinate officers—the Lieutenant Zhukoff mentioned in the same document is a direct reference to his establishing scene, with Colonel Yakovich his theatre superior. Koloszlow's original age was nearing 60, but he may be aged down for DYOS.

  • In the original project, Koloszlow was part of the Russian army, but his name suggests Polish extraction. His first name "Smelyn" was made off the top of my head, but is actually used by several people in real life, and appears to have a Latine origin. It is, however, similar to the Slavic word smola (resin), an ironic fit given his sticky personality.
  • @GenMarshall had an idea to use him as a Union counterpart to Francis Durga, a Coruscanti officer who defects to the Space Nazis out of petty spite for General Guba. CG thought the "foreign friend" mentioned in Gedonin's letter was Mr. Toyoda, and floated a plot in which Combine agents attempt to exploit him as a mole. In fact, Koloszlow's beef is with Rudolph Krieger.