Hello Side7! I'm Sly. (with the dot), a multimedia-artist who is also going by Sly-Mk3 on sites that do not allow dots and for easier searching on search engines. I'm pleased to be here. Since more than a decade I have posted my content on deviantART, now I decided it would be worth it to branch out and also find other cozy communities. That's why I'm here.
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Or should I say "Happy Easter Fool's" due to how the days aligned?
In any case, it's still Easter Monday, so formally still Easter – and also April 1st! Relevant fun fact: Six years ago on this day I uploaded a little YouTube animation / video. I won't explain its meaning though, that's up to the viewer. :P
Initially I wanted to make something special for "Easter Fool's", but I'm a bit too tired to finish it up now, so I might shelve it to Orthodox Easter on May 5. ;)
In the meantime I posted this. At least that's better than nothing!
Hope you've had a nice holiday or time off and thanks for being such a chill site (I still need to catch up, oof)!