@Rem || Profile
Remliss Nadie

@Rem (Remliss Nadie)
Last Seen:
It's been a while...
22 February, 2004
They / Them / Theirs / Themself
05 October, 1988
Rem turned 36 this year.
California, Unspecified
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Hello there! I'm Rem. Waves happily I am the thing that lives under your bed. Woo. What am I exactly, you ask? Well, I'm some kinda Irken cyborg dragon anti-fairy reptile thing that can't seem to make up her mind on what she really is. 9_9 I'm presently attending Earth Hi-Skool, as a freshman. Half of my time I'm living on Earth, busy with something, be it drawing, creating, or just being a complete wierdo. >O The REST of my time is spent living in a parallel dimension where I'm living in a cave on the moon with my anti-fairy godparent, Stex, and a whole gaggle of other Irkens and strange creatures I've come to know. (Parallel dimension also known as the twisted corners of my crazy mind. XD) Back on boring ol' Earth, however, I have shorty-short black hair with one nifty deep purple streak in the front, brown eyes, and one BAD Invader Zim obsession. My full name is Remliss Nadie, but I GREATLY prefer Rem. Oh, you pronounce my last name Nah-dee-eh. Look it up in a Spanish dictionary! See what I really am! ^^ And NO, I'm not low on self-esteem just because of my last name. It was just all I could pick when Zimmeh made me change it. 9_9 I like it, it’s silly! ^_^ Oh yes... Back on Earth, the 13 or so people who live with me in my moon cave live in my head. ^.^ No time to elaborate on them now, you'll meet them all eventually when my brain-inhabitants and I put up the character bios. Well, there's Stex, Gab (my SIR unit), Zim, Minimoose, Gir, Red and Purple, Dib, Gaz, 15, Lojikos, the whole Irken Energy crew (whenever they stop in for a visit. Who knows how many of THEM there are…) Nny and my poor little Squee, who is currently seeking shelter under my bed.

Other obsessions I have: Any of Jhonen Vasquez’s other works Color-changing and glow-in-the-dark nail polish Greek food Pop-tarts Drawing (obviously) Anime Neon green (but in moderation, thank you. @_@) The Renaissance (The Italian Renaissance, in particular) Dragons Sci-fi and fantasy Those little carbonated “CO2”candies I buy at Suncoast Reptiles Go-Gaia.com Making things (ANYTHING! Fleece hats, clay figures, fancy-schmancy desserts, the list goes on) Taking pre-made things apart to see how they work (I dissected a micropet once, and made a working, faceless cyborg dog. It had little red light-bulbs for eyes…) Video games The Sims Squuuuirrels…

NOW GO TO MY DEVIANTART ACCOUNT! punts rem-.deviantart.com

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