Fin Art

Amos Desai Character Reference

Species: High Angel
Place of Birth:
Height: 5'8
Orientation: Aro-Bisexual
Gender Identity:
Pronouns: He/Him

Amos is one of two main characters in a story of mine called "The Golden Goby;" a little narrative world I've created to house the many adoptable characters I've accumulated during my time in artist spaces across the internet.

"On an earth home to many kinds of mutants (called “Angels,”) Amos is still struggling to put together the pieces of his past. He is a barista at the old inn named "The Golden Goby," but seems to have more authority than he lets on at first. Often has a drink of his own in hand and takes a liking to Gloria when he first meets her.

Also, it seems like he's always there. (does this man sleep? you have to wonder.)

  • Amos has always lived at The Golden Goby, and was awoken from a deep sleep beneath the building several years ago by the inn's current owners, who have taken him in as their "stepson" to prevent outsiders from asking questions.
  • He is one of only four High Angels, but he is unable to rise to this potential as most of his powers have been seperated from him. They currently sleep in the body of a golden fish that is kept in an aquarium in the cellar, resting over the place where he was once awoken himself.
  • His governing season is Summer, and he was found buried with a series of scrolls that his step-parents believe means he is the key to the prophecy known as Sampsa; a celestial event that will grant all Angels their full power and allow them to take their rightful place on earth alongside humans. Amos isn't so sure about this, however.
  • For the most part, Amos tries to ignore the mysteries of his origins and wants to blend in with other young Angels his age. He enjoys work as a barista, and can whip up the most delicious drinks imaginable. He likes colorful clothes, and despite lacking real power, he takes very good care of his immense wings, brushing them daily. The single power he still possesses is the ability to fly.