@Chipsk452 || Profile
Chip Wolfe

@Chipsk452 (Chip Wolfe)
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It's been a while...
06 June, 2004
They / Them / Theirs / Themself
Alabama, Unspecified
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Well nothing much to say about myself but to say I'm a born and bred southern boy..... Yeah go ahead call me a stinkin redneck cause of my love for my fallin country and mistreated flag. I'm a big person to go and study up on the civil war trying too learn new facts that I never knew and help support the SCV's fight in trying too make the CSA Battle Flag too stay in school for now and forever like Ole' Glory. I hate it when people come up to me and feel bad that I love the confederate Battle Flag and then tell it too my face. But I will always tell them this "No I'm the one who feels sorry for you cause you love a flag that has a longer and alot more dirtier history than my flag." Then I'll walk away from them but onto more important matters here. Yeah I do at trades and art requests. But I only do art requests for friends and friends alone. That's it. If you want to do an art trade with me just contact me. I'm always willing to do an Art trade with ya. Accept all my colored pics are done on Photoshop. And that's it their. That's one reason I never do commisions. But if you still want me too do a commision with then here's my price range for it:

Pencil art: $3.00,

Inked art: $5.00,

colored pencil art: $7.00,

Photoshop colored pics: $12.00 (This being the easier than the rest will have no shipping and handling added too it. It can be sent over the net by V.I.A. E-mail).

Please be very very very descriptive. I want to know every exact detail of your charater you want me too draw. I need to know every last detail that even a forensics scientist can work on.

I will only accept U.S. Dollars

But here are the rules of things I will not do: 1) Will not do any kind of Hentai,Yiff, or Porn picture.

2) I do not draw licensed owned characters. After the big deal with disney saying "Hey were going to be the biggest bastards and make sure know one can draw mickey and sell pictures of him off the streets kinda crap." I just don't want to be sued by anyone.

3) Please when describing the posses don't get horribly descriptive on that. I'll choose the angle of the pose. Cause it's easier on me cause my mind will see it in the way you want it accept in my type of way.

4) Don't you even dare start annoying me after I decide too take my time too do a pic for you. Remember it's your money that's paying for something good and not a piece of crap. So Don't start looking over my shoulder every 2 seconds. It's your right to know the progress of your picture but only ask me every 6 to 8 hours. That way I don't have to be annoyed by how silly you want too act. Please be patient cause doing stuff like this requires alot of time and energy.

5) will -ONLY- begin to work on a comission -AFTER- receiving payment which I'll work out after your contact. Sorry, but I'm not gonna run the risk of someone taking the pic and running away with it. That is theft and I will have every last bit of the law on your ass till I have recieved payment.

As I have said I will only accept U.S. Dollars. I mean that. That includes NO checks period. It all will have too be in cold hard cash.

Once I have gotten some things straitend around though I will soon start taking commisions. I'll let you know when I start taking them.

But that's it folks. ;-)

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