In the aftermath of the Great Gaian War, plants and animals evolved at a fast pace through adaptive radiation. Thunder, a highly evolved Nammani wolf, is left to fend for herself after her mother is presumed deceased. With the help of her new friends and her pack, she sets off to find and rescue her missing father and bring down Zadicus, a vicious, tyrannical dragon, hungry with power.

+|F2U|+ Vaporwave Full Moon

Episode 1 - An Enemy Rising


Storyboard - Progress Bars - Green colors %25
Rough Animation - Progress Bars - Green colors %0
Cleanup - Progress Bars - Green colors %0
Lining - Progress Bars - Green colors %0
Coloring - Progress Bars - Green colors %0
Lighting & Shading - Progress Bars - Green colors %0
Backgrounds - Progress Bars - Green colors %0
Music - Progress Bars - Green colors %25
Sound Effects - Progress Bars - Green colors %25
Voices - Progress Bars - Green colors %10
Special Effects - Progress Bars - Green colors %0
Final Edits - Progress Bars - Green colors %0

Newest Members

Group Staff

Shadane - Owner

Views: 652


Allowed Media: Images, Audio, Literature
Allowed Ratings: E, T

F2U Purple Star Bullet What is allowed F2U Purple Star Bullet

:skyblue-orb: Thunder fan art
:skyblue-orb: Fan characters based on the series
:skyblue-orb: Fan literature
:skyblue-orb: Stamps
:skyblue-orb: Animal art and photography
:skyblue-orb: Art focused on wolves, dragons, and jinmenkens

F2U Purple Star Bullet What is not allowed F2U Purple Star Bullet

:DarkRed-orb: Hate art against any marginalized group or the series
:DarkRed-orb: Anti-wolf art, or hate towards any one species
:DarkRed-orb: NSFW content (this applies to both the show's characters and your own)
:DarkRed-orb: Taxidermy
:DarkRed-orb: Art with no effort in it
:DarkRed-orb: Art not related to what the group allows

F2U Purple Star Bullet General group rules F2U Purple Star Bullet

Violet-orb Be respectful to other members.
Violet-orb Don't post art that isn't yours.
Violet-orb Extreme, violent art must be filtered.

All Side 7 rules apply, as well.