The Vrikalo Pack


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Posted On: 24 Oct 2024, 04:52 PM
Posted By: Vrikalo


They can run about 40 mph and desert ones tend to run faster do to sleeker bodies.

Alien/ demon vrikalo tend to run at about 40 mph to ,but tend to mix it up with flying depending on how fast their prey is.


Posted On: 24 Oct 2024, 04:51 PM
Posted By: Vrikalo


Vrikalos try to become skilled at using their horns during play fights in order to take down larger prey, but also risk killing each other since their horns are very sharp.

Some only use their paws to fight to avoid hurting their partner.

Vrikalos will usually use their large horn to puncture a main alter to take down a larger predator faster.

People who exploit this wonderful animal usually cut off their horns to avoid being killed by them when used in fights or breedin


Posted On: 24 Oct 2024, 04:51 PM
Posted By: Vrikalo


Vrikalos usually mate in the spring and have pups in the fall

Desert Vrikalos can mate all season long because the temperature is relatively the same year round.

Pups can nurse up until their 3 months old if nursing for longer it is usually a benefit for the vitamins the mothers produce from their milk.

Mothers can be overly aggressive when they have young ones and might tend to lash out at other vrikalos including males if they get to close unless it is a mate or alpha


Posted On: 24 Oct 2024, 04:49 PM
Posted By: Vrikalo


Packs are usually made up of 5 to 10 vrikalos. Some older and larger ones tend to be either rouges or loners.

Pups learn to basic hunting things at around two to three weeks.

For feral and anthro packs can be lead by either a female alpha or a male alpha


Posted On: 24 Oct 2024, 04:49 PM
Posted By: Vrikalo


Yes these beautiful creatures can give you a nasty bite if your not careful. It is basically used a defense thing and they don't use their venom very much at all because it would take them a whole day to produce enough venom to take something down with it. They have a paralyzing venom that they use to temporary paralyze an enemy if they need be. They use their snake like fangs in the front of their mouth to bring an animal down.


Posted On: 24 Oct 2024, 04:48 PM
Posted By: Vrikalo


They only eat meet and there chocolate is rabbits. They also eat demon deer meet as far as exotic creatures go. They tend to stick to live stock type of meet. Rabbits, chickens, cows, goats, lambs. stuff like that. Experienced and older vrikalos take down the more bigger game like demon deer, normal deer, elk, moose, etc. A pack is usually needed to take down bigger prey. A pack is needed to take down demon deer because they tend to be more aggresive and feature fangs and feed off

Color/ Patterns

Posted On: 24 Oct 2024, 04:47 PM
Posted By: Vrikalo


Since the first few vrikalos was created in a lab to be the super companion of the royals. There colors and patterns vary from region to region and some vary in color and patterns.

Natural colored vrikalos that are just a solid color like all black, white, brown, etc are rare to see and are probably much older than the more exotic colors.

Exotic colored vrikalos can come in any color or pattern and some suggest that because they was made by magic that magic has affected

Body Features

Posted On: 24 Oct 2024, 04:46 PM
Posted By: Vrikalo

Body Features :

Wolf like body lion like mane wolf or fox like tail unicorn horn usually straight not curved small curved horn on nose what I call a dragon nose horn long donkey like ears. This varies in size and length depending on the region and age older vrikalos usually have longer ears. Has two snake like fangs in the front the rest is canine depending on if the species is an older species or not it usually has two half moon circles around each end of it's eyes.

Please see in

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