Side 7 Job Board

Hi! This is temporary page for artists who are looking for work to be able to find clients easier.

Newest Members

Group Staff

Casteso - Owner

Views: 763


Allowed Media: Images, Literature
Allowed Ratings: E, T, M

Hello everyone! Welcome to the Side 7 Job Board. As the label says, this is the place that you can post and look at jobs while the job board for Side 7 is in development. My goal for this group is to more or less be self-sufficient with as little need for moderator/owner intervention as possible

There are currently two folders which you can place your listings in: OPEN and CLOSED. Pretty self-explanatory, if a job is open, put it in the OPEN folder. If said position is filled/no longer available/you want to take it down for whatever reason, put it in the CLOSED folder. Everyone who joins the group should have the ability to move their posts from one folder to the other. If you're posting your listing in the comments, please just indicate if the position is OPEN or CLOSED somewhere in your comment.

Currently this job board is open to every type of job/commission, so long as it is a paid job in the artistic realm.

GENERAL RULES -Please follow Side 7's rules

-Please be respectful to each other

-Please only advertise for paid work on here

-Please be clear on all details (what type of job is it/what skills are you looking for/time frame for project, etc.)

-Please do not spam the same offer/Only post the same offer once
-If a job is filled, please either take down the post or put CLOSED in your post

-Please state in the post how you want to be contacted(Be it on side 7/email/other social media, etc.)

-Scam listings ARE punishable (first offence will result in a month-long ban, second offence will in 6-month ban, third offence will result in permeant ban)

All Side 7 rules apply, as well.