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Posted On: 27 Feb 2024, 02:48 PM
Posted By: UmbraBorealis

Realized I hadn't made a journal here as of yet so if you're reading this, hi there! Allow me to introduce myself.

I'm Umbra, I'm a trans-masc digital artist in my 20s who grew up with Sonic and I've always written stories and drawn since I was a kid. I've always wanted a bubble of my own though since the Sonic community is massive and it's easy to have your work and your voice get lost in the crowd. I don't have a whole lot of new stuff to say that isn't already on my own page. If you ever have a suggestion for the group like a new gallery category feel free to leave a comment or message me! If enough active artists join this group I might start hosting spotlights where I reach out to members with their own project, interview them with a few brief questions maybe and publish their answers to the group! I don't want this to just be a place to yeet art and nothing else after all. I have a Discord server as well but my personal one is more of an archive than anything and my public Sonic one is currently closed partially due to testing and contruction. Besides not everyone has Discord. Still, look out for that in the future, it'll be my main hub for my own project and at some point I'll upload any snippets or previews to that server instead of social media. It'll always be free to join tho! If you're wondering what project I'm talking about, check the most recent journal on my profile~

A little extra information I didn't think could fit in the rules or about section:
- Cringe is dead here, if you see a 'shadow clone' or 'recolor' kindly keep your opinion to yourself if it's not a positive one.
- Curate your own experience, I'm not going to pick and choose who's a member based on some personal beef people have with each other of any kind.
- If a member is breaking any rules or making you uncomfortable, do not engage and just PM me instead. I'll look into the situation but it's wise to block regardless.

Enjoy your stay!