★ Stockyard ★

Still setting up.

Group Icon: ★Nova's Net Collab BG Tile by ★Cynicallia

Newest Members

Group Staff

Cynicallia - Owner

Views: 681


Allowed Media: Images, Audio, Literature
Allowed Ratings: E, T, M

♠ Crediting is mandatory. Creators are responsible for stating their specific Crediting Terms. Users are responsible for obeying said terms.

♠ Think carefully before you share your assets. If you agree to share them freely now, and then you withdraw your consent later, it is 100% on you to resolve any complications that may have arisen due to others using your content.

♠ If your content needs to be downloaded off-site to obtain, be sure that the host is reputable, and that your content is not blocked by a paywall, such as a subscription requirement.

♠ Use common sense when visiting off-site links, using chat servers, or clicking on pop-ups. If something doesn't feel right, do not proceed. It's okay to ask the Group Mods, Group Admin, and Official Site Staff to look into it, if anything posted on Side7 seems phishy.

All Side 7 rules apply, as well.