Your Feedback Is Needed!
There are two topics I would like to get membership feedback on. Both will require some kind of change to Side 7, and before I make any serious decisions on it I want your input. This community is as much about you as it is about art. And you matter to me, so I am asking for your serious contemplation and input on these topics.
Topic 1: Profanity in Unrated Areas of the Site
Side 7 has had a mission of being as friendly to general audiences as possible since its inception. This has included a decorum tradition of leaving profanity to within the appropriately rated uploads that members make. This tradition has been relatively respected, with the occasional incident, until the last year or two.
In the last couple of years, profanity in upload titles, descriptions, comments, forum posts, journal entries, and even usernames, has increased dramatically. With exception to descriptions of appropriately rated uploads, these are all areas open to the public without a rating. This is arguably counter to our mission. However, instead of just enforcing some rule about acceptable behavior, I'd like to ask the membership's thoughts on this subject. Please keep in mind that there are many in the membership who won't respond to this post, and that there are many visitors to the site who may be turned off by such language.
How do you feel this should be handled? Should anything be done about it? Should there be some kind of formal rule about where and when profanity is allowed and acceptable?
Topic 2: Ratings or Content Warnings for Journal Entries
Over the last several months, there have been a number of journal entries made by members that, while not breaking any rules, did contain content that warranted some sort of rating or content warning for potential readers of the entries. These have included gory descriptions of things, subjects that are controversial, triggering, or touchy, and heavy use of profanity, just to name a few. I have no desire to closely police what people post as their content of choice, but I feel our visitors and membership deserve some sort of heads up before wandering into a journal entry unaware of what they're in for.
I've had a couple of ideas on how to handle this, and I'm interested in hearing your ideas, too. My first idea was to having a rating system similar to the upload rating system. This system would be subject to the same filtering system as uploads are. This is also a significant change to the site's journal system. My second idea was just to add a Content Warnings field to journal entries. Information entered into this field would also display in the Journal tooltips, as well as in the journal entry summaries on the journal page. This is a fairly small change, and is more flexible in use.
What are your thoughts on this topic? Do you like either of my ideas? Are they bad ideas? Do you think there's a better way of handling this?
Let me know, please.
-- BK