That's what happened to me too during my last drama, which finally convinced me that DeviantArt is an unsafe platform.
I’ll mostly favorite art on DA from now on as well tbh, and I rather keep posting my art to here, Vk, and my repo for art archiving too, alongside on my fc2 website/blog as well, etc for other online places I have too.
Me too, even when I also posting my artworks in a bunch of sites including here
Literally same ?
Now that I witnessed it, DeviantArt forums really are turning into 4chan at this point, not just the politics forum, but also the complaints forum. I visit either of those and what do I see? Racism, antireligious sentiment, antinatalists calling all parents "breeders", I could have sworn I also saw two other forum posts in the past, one that was blatantly transphobic, telling people that they shouldn't be leaving home to get reassignment surgery, when the crux of the problem is that if trans people have covid, they're going to die if the doctor feels uncomfortable with their existence due to a law that was passed making it legal to deny medical treatment to trans people, and an ableist forum thread basically saying that you're a PDF file if you date another consenting adult that has down syndrome. I think autistic people are very familiar with that infantilizing sentiment. Yeah, this site has officially hit the toilet. First the poor layout changes, then lack of care for users being harassed on their platform, art theft is allowed, and now this.
these Antireligious sentiments there are largely Islamophobic
You're probably right, though I might be unlucky, because I've seen mostly antisemitism, both religious and ethnic, and anti-Christianity. I actively try to avoid anti-Islam sentiment as much as possible, and I wouldn't be surprised if there's any anti-Universalism on there, given how unpopular of a belief it is.
not to mention there's people that assume we(as a civilized society) are only sapients that ever exists in this universe just to nuke the entire Omniverse upon death(and our Civilization is bound to end before we even stepped our feet on Mars), worse this can be immortal truth for mainstream view of the world
I'm sure civilization will reach Mars, it's going to be a long time before humans become extinct, and by then, none of the animals you see everyday will be around either, replaced by new animals. I don't think people exist just to nuke the Omniverse, because as the saying goes; "correlation doesn't equal causation". Unfortunately, bad things happen as a part of life, but there's plenty of good that we can focus on. For one thing, I was worried the online art community would die out entirely, and I'd be the only one still drawing on the computer, and being made fun of for being "weird". Maybe that's irrational of me to think, but with DeviantArt dying, and most of the good alternatives at the time shutting down, I was afraid there would be nothing left, so I'm pretty elated that everyone's still around.
speaking of Good Deviantart Alternatives, just wait until Artspacious as well's return, if we're tired of waiting for former in particular, we still have either this site
I would love for to return! I never got to use the original before its shutdown, so the reboot was a nice little blast from the past. I have heard about Artspacious, but I can't actually follow its progress since, without naming names, someone who was actively stalking me joined their Discord server some time after I did, and I got nervous and left. TnT
I used to believe that Islam in general is horrendous years ago, but I was clearly misled into believing that years ago too, now I detest zealots from any religion and using religion to scare or force people to think like them. (I’m still not proud of that tbh.) I remember that CunningCondor made a thread about Saudi Arabia not accepting lgbt people or whatever, not sure why he’s shocked by that, leave Islamic places alone, not every country will accept lgbt people, anyways, I think it’s for the better that I still abandoned the DA’s forums for good, if I want to go to an imageboard, I’ll just go to kissu instead of 4chan; Especially if it’s becoming that terrible. (At least I can chill out in this site’s forums, I feel cozy here already.) (I’m still a little salty at Condor for blocking me over me liking an adult-swim cartoon that he hates, but whatever, I’ll just bury the hatchet now since that hatchet is getting rusty and broken.)
Yeah, the fact that it's legal in some countries to discriminate against marginalized groups such as the LGBT community, or other common religious groups like Christianity, or people with neutral or no religious views is an unfortunate reality that we'll have to live with for the time being, but what everyone should know is that it obviously doesn't mean every single person in that country or religion will agree with it, Arab people wouldn't be jailed for loving someone of the same gender otherwise. At the same time, you can be atheist or American and be homophobic and/or transphobic, I've come across my fair share of atheists in school who hated LGBT people because they thought they were icky.
I personally never met an atheist that dislikes gay people, but I hardly appear in atheist circles anyways tbh, so thats new to me. (I think it’s for the better that I avoid zealots of any kind, but I’m also good with reading people, thank goodness for that.) I’m still unsure if there is a god, I’m still questioning that tbh, I’ll still give the Bible a chance too, and maybe pray to him and Lunaria every night.
I'd say you're pretty lucky. I was forced to be around these particular atheists because, school forces people who don't get along to co-exist and expect them to magically be able to get along, but it just led to me being mocked for believing in God, and vice versa for the nice atheist students being mocked by the mean religious kids. If my past profile bios were any indication, I was in the closet about my pan-ness and enby-ness, because that kind of stuff was heavily censored in school, and I grew up in a homophobic and transphobic environment, so I just thought there was something wrong with me. I do believe in God, although I'm a theistic Universalist, which means I believe in the prophecy of all religious faiths coming together as one while keeping both Him and Jesus in the bible, as well as God's consort who is much lesser known, but is mentioned.
Oh, theistic universalist sounds interesting, I would personally call myself a quiet polytheist, I believe in the Christian god and my own goddess Lunaria, who lives inside the moon and is also the angel of the moon. (I'm mostly in the closet about me being bi too, but I should wait until I'm ready for sex and stuff still, I don't believe I'm ready for that yet, I'll just worry about school stuff for the time being.)
I also consider myself theistic universalist, even when I personally a Muslim who worships Allah, I consider Allah the same deity with Christian God for being in charge of the Omniverse, it just Christians did worships same god with Muslims in different ways from Muslims did.
I also acknowledges the existence Polytheistic Gods(whatever I doesn't believe them) where they're just as mortal as anyone else(albeit with sufficiently advanced technologies that's often embedded to themselves)
And let's back to the discussion of current DeviantArt's deterioration
Wow, look at all of us universalists. We should rename this place to Universal Studios lol
I can relate to the bit about atheists. I could never wrap my head around knowing they're not based on exact science and still joining them. Atheism "being a spectrum" makes it weird to consider their ideas the end to soul searching, because that's like a rabbit hole in a rabbit hole. So I gravitated to the collection of conclusions known as Aiken instead. You could probably use the term universalist to describe Aiken, even though it's more like how people describe omnism. The Mune Shinri being what one might call our scripture, it also stuck out to me because to date it's the only thing outlawing homophobia/transphobia in the spiritual world while also alluding to every prophet. Would explain why many will remember me as praising it in deviant land, as many would often complain "why is every group against the LGBT" and I would feel like chopped liver as the answer is there, the Mune Shinri. I also fuse that with Hagothism (basically Mormonism but it was Oceania instead of America) and Urantist tendencies.
Mune Shinri sound pretty chill tbh, I’ll have to look into this religion. (Alongside the Aiken religion too.)
True, Allah does mean God in Arabic, so I often perceived them as the same deity for that reason. I could try to think of some more of my biggest gripes with DeviantArt, but I'd have to remember all of the problems I went through aside from them doing nothing to stop harassment.
speaking of Deviantart staff doing little or nothing to stop harassments, I even resorts to making this online petition to deal with Safeinternetprotocol's harassment of me back in 2017(around the same year Wix bought deviantart)
I usually never think petition sites never worked for anything, alongside with change, but I'm being too cynical. Hmm. (I also stopped using Change dot org because they keep spamming up my email.) Did DA hire a bunch of dunderheads as staff or something?
I sware they had to ? it used to be a bit decent (staff wise) now they just seem like emotionless bots.
since I came across a petition asking Donald Trump(back when he's American president) to get rid of my mega-crossover project, I decided to demote Online Petitions in general into Guilty pleasures of mine(whatever I use it)
and Deviantart did replace at least some of it's human staff with braindead bots
So I guess I can understand how a thread that began as a brainstorm session for prepping Side 7 to handle disaffected refugees morphed into a general dA grievance dump, but I strongly recommend splitting this recent religious talk off into its own topic.