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What Are You Playing Now? - Started by: migucast
What Are You Playing Now?
Posted: 11 Sep 2006, 08:43 PM

Anyone remember this ol' thread? I remember it being one of the biggest on the General Forum way back when. I don't remember who posted it originally but it's time to revive it!

I'm currently in Mission 40 of Super Robot Taisen: Original Generation for the GBA! ^^ The first Robot Wars game in official ENGLISH! I'm still giddy as the first day it came out! Hee hee hee! In fact, if it wasn't for the reopening of the boards... I'd be playing it right now! XD

Robot Wars Quote of the Day:

Excellen: Quiz time! What's the D stand for? Destroyer? Daemon? My cup size?

I've also been playing Big Brain Academy once a day in hopes of making myself less stupid. Brain Age, not so much, since it's more time intensive. I don't think it's working... :(

Posted: 11 Sep 2006, 09:28 PM

Tetris DS and Animal Crossing Wild World!

I FINALLY cleared 200 lines at level 20. It was so nice.

... and City of Heroes. ^_^

Posted: 11 Sep 2006, 09:32 PM

Heh. I have those! ^^ Well, not City of Heroes. :p I haven't played them too much recently, though. :( I know I've made it to level 20 in Tetris DS but specifics elude me and I'm too lazy to get up and get game and check. XD

Posted: 11 Sep 2006, 09:36 PM

Oblivion, Prey, Curse of Monkey Island, Super Princess Peach, and Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time.

... Just finished Grim Fandango and Trace Memory, and plan to start City of Heroes this weekend :) I play too many games at once o.O lol

Posted: 11 Sep 2006, 09:40 PM

You're not the only one. You should see my backlog sometime. ^^;;; I'm trying to cut down though. Really, I am. ^^;;;;

My fiancee's been needling me to play Peach but I haven't tried it yet. Finished Partners in Time a while ago. Prepare for an EXTREMELY unpredictable final battle! XD

Posted: 11 Sep 2006, 10:04 PM

I'm currently playing Mario Kart DS and Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories.

I love how Nintendo included the SNES courses. It brings back sweet memories. XP

Playing CoM because I played KH and KH2, but got confused as to what happened in between. Decided it was time to fill in the gaps!

Posted: 11 Sep 2006, 10:09 PM
I'm currently playing Mario Kart DS and Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories. I love how Nintendo included the SNES courses. It brings back sweet memories. XP Playing CoM because I played KH and KH2, but got confused as to what happened in between. Decided it was time to fill in the gaps!

Yes! The SNES courses do make my happy as well. So many good memories.

Posted: 11 Sep 2006, 11:02 PM

I'm too broke to afford games. I've really been craving console games recently, too, but all my consoles and related games are boxed up 1,600 miles away 'cause I haven't been able to afford to ship my stuff here since I moved. I have a few fan translated games on emulator that have never been released in the U.S. to play, but I want a controller and a TV, dangit. My only system here is a GBA and I haven't been able to afford any games since the two it came with. Why must games be so expensive? sob

Posted: 12 Sep 2006, 07:04 AM

heh I remember we used to ahve a what are you listening to (i think I started it?????) Anyway right now Im playing solitaire (wowness)

Posted: 12 Sep 2006, 02:41 PM
heh I remember we used to ahve a what are you listening to (i think I started it?????) Anyway right now Im playing solitaire (wowness)

I never win at solitaire... i am teh suxors -_-

but yes, Sorry to burst everyone's bubble but I guess for now I'm the only resident Playstation junkie... and right now I'm playing Katamari Damacy, Guilty Gear Isuda, aaaaaand Armored core: Last Raven.... because I like rolling up cows, beating up three ppl at once, and blowing mecha into itsy bitsy pieces. :D

Posted: 12 Sep 2006, 04:25 PM

Oh, okay. I'll chime in on this one.

Currently, in the copious spare time that I have (stop laughing), I'm in the middle of:

  • Playstation 2
    • Crimson Tears
    • Metal Gear Solid 2
    • Urbz
    • Ghost In The Shell: Stand Alone Complex
  • GameCube
    • Metroid Prime 2: Dark Shadows
    • The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
  • PC
    • F.E.A.R.
    • Matrix: The Path of Neo
    • Enter The Matrix MMORPG
    • Space Cowboy MMO
    • Occasional bouts of Battlefield 1942
    • Occasional bouts of other multiplayer FPSes

Playing many, finishing few, as my spare time is rather non-existent at the moment.

-- BK

Posted: 12 Sep 2006, 07:45 PM

:I never win at solitaire... i am teh suxors -_-

I only win about a 1/3 of the time. :\

:but yes, Sorry to burst everyone's bubble but I guess for now I'm the only :resident Playstation junkie...




Okay, okay... Seriously...

:blowing mecha into itsy bitsy pieces.

I've been doing that for a month and a half but turn based... I need to get back into Gundam GC... Sooner or later, I HAVE to beat Hayato's A'Boa'Qu mission... I just have to... >_<

:Oh, okay. I'll chime in on this one.

:Currently, in the copious spare time that I have (stop laughing), I'm in the middle :of:

LOL! That's pretty much the same problem I have! XD Except I'm forcing myself to work on a single game so I can at least have something to show for my work.. :p

BTW, I'm I forgot to mention it in my original post, but I've been working on Baten Kaitos for the past week or so... But I'm stuck on a tough boss battle... I won't say who it is... It's a major spoiler... But... Damn it... I can bring him to the edge of death, but I can't push him over! >_< I think I might need to level... :\

Posted: 12 Sep 2006, 08:54 PM

All I'm working on right now is playing Final Fantasy Tactics on my Playstation... darn thing takes SO much time to complete the "proper" way ^^;

Posted: 12 Sep 2006, 11:01 PM
Sorry to burst everyone's bubble but I guess for now I'm the only resident Playstation junkie...

Heck, no! I <3 my PS2. I'll always have a soft spot for Nintendo, but lately I've become an RPG nerd, so I enjoy the Playstation.

Okay, don't laugh guys but... I'm working through Final Fantasy VII for the first time. (hey, I haven't been an RPG nerd very long! :P) So far, I'm on disc 2... it's just taking a really long time because my darn schedule keeps me away from that sort of thing lately.

Posted: 13 Sep 2006, 05:31 AM

Well, you're at least farther than me. I bought the PC version when it came out and quit near the end of Disc 1.... Why? I just got bored with it. It didn't draw me in like 4 and 6 and I really didn't care too much for the characters, setting, or even the music (WHY, Uematsu?! WHYYYYYYYYYYY?!!!!)... It's also Nomura's first game... God, I hate him. I wish they'd get rid of him and put good ol' Amano back in as the real character designer instead of just being a "guest" artist in charge of making Nomura's work look passable... Bleh. :p I know I really should go back and try and finish it buuuuuuut... I dunno... My love for Final Fantasy began to die a slow, painful death with 7. :\ But, hey... FF3's coming out soon... Maybe that'll make it all better... Even... If... They replaced... Amano... With... Nomura... Again... [EYE TWICH]

Posted: 13 Sep 2006, 09:50 AM
This post has been edited 1 time. Last edit on 13 Sep 2006, 09:51 AM.
FF3's coming out soon... Maybe that'll make it all better... Even... If... They replaced... Amano... With... Nomura... Again... [EYE TWICH]

They did WHA?! I mean, I'm not a big fan of Amano's style, but those were the best characters ever. Most of them, anyway. Well, I'm looking forward to it regardless. Anthology was such a disappointment and my friend lost my SNES copy.

Another person who hasn't played FF7 here. Husband has it on PC, but again, I want a controller and a TV. I tried to play it on PC once and didn't get past the first town.

Posted: 13 Sep 2006, 11:04 AM

I have had FFVII since it was released. Was very into it for a long time. Got to the end of the third disk. Then life took a turn and I got really, really busy. Came back several months later to it, and couldn't remember where I was, what I was doing, or why. Unfortunately, most cRPGs don't have any kind of journaling system to accommodate people like me who can't sit for hours on end playing the game, non-stop. So, I quit.

Don't play cRPGs anymore, unless they have a journaling system, like Neverwinter Nights (which I'm still playing).

I also despise that they call them "role playing games," since they're not role playing games. They've distorted the definition of "RPG."

-- BK

Posted: 13 Sep 2006, 03:30 PM

:They did WHA?! I mean, I'm not a big fan of Amano's style, but those were the :best characters ever. Most of them, anyway. Well, I'm looking forward to it :regardless. Anthology was such a disappointment and my friend lost my SNES :copy.

Yup. Look at the CG renders for the FMV sequences... Typical Nomura. Poor Refia even LOOKS like Rinoa, which makes her... What... The 47th Tifa clone, now? At least the Gameboy versions of 1-2, 4-6 keep Amano where he should be. I mean... I'm not a big fan of Toriyama, myself (DBZ had something to do with that. :p), but could you imagine Dragon Warrior/Quest WITHOUT Toriyama?! Chrono Trigger withou- Oh, wait. They did that already. And it sucked. :p Like him or not, Final Fantasy without Amano isn't Final Fantasy... :( ... Well, at least, FMV aside, everyone in 3 is going to be SD all the time and the airships LOOK like airships again. Plus, it's true 3D, no more pre-rendered backgrounds! ^^ So... I guess it'll be okay... ^^;;;

:Another person who hasn't played FF7 here. Husband has it on PC, but again, I :want a controller and a TV. I tried to play it on PC once and didn't get past the :first town.

I have a PC controller! ^^ Well... When I originally bought the game, I had an SNES style pad that I loved to death! Until it broke... And all I could replace it with was a Playstation style pad... :( I wish they still sold SNES pads...

:Don't play cRPGs anymore, unless they have a journaling system, like :Neverwinter Nights (which I'm still playing).

Well... You probably need to distinguish between American PC RPGs and Japanese Console RPGs which really are two different creatures... As such, the last PC RPG I played and finished was Pool of Radiance which I reinstalled a few years ago and bumbled through with the help of a FAQ. I was shocked to actually find my way to the final battle and victory! XD More recently, I attempted to finish the NES port of the classic PC RPG, Ultima III, which I've never beaten in all the years I've owned it. I guess I should play another one, one of these days... But I've noticed that I never really play PC games anymore because this thing called the Internet lures me away for months at a time. :p

Console RPGs... Most recent games... Skies of Arcadia, Tales of Symphonia, Baten Kaitos, FF1 (GBA Version), Riviera: The Promised Land, and of course... Super Robot Wars 4, F, F Final, and now Original Generation. :p

:I also despise that they call them "role playing games," since they're not role :playing games. They've distorted the definition of "RPG."

Yes, yes, I seem to recall a rather "spirited" "discussion" of those symantics a while back. XD

Posted: 13 Sep 2006, 06:26 PM

World of Warcraft

and Pokemon Gold/Leaf Green/Sapphire


I'm lame. D :

Posted: 13 Sep 2006, 09:18 PM

Currently playing Disgaea 2, and replaying Half Life 2 again to get back in practice for Episode 1. Also thinking maybe I should go back and finish Final Fantasy X at some point...I really like that one, but just keep getting distracted by newer games so I've never actually beaten it.

Posted: 13 Sep 2006, 10:06 PM

I was playing final fantasy XI, but sadly it had to be taken away from me so I would quit playing and pass my classes.

Posted: 14 Sep 2006, 12:07 AM
I was playing final fantasy XI, but sadly it had to be taken away from me so I would quit playing and pass my classes.

Yeah. School should always come first. Obligations first, then fun.

-- BK

Posted: 14 Sep 2006, 05:52 PM

Dance Dance Revolution Mario Mix ~ I've been playing at my friend's house, and have been dying to have it, but I don't have a game cube.

I would get DDR for PS2 but I don't have a dance pad, nor can I afford it or the game.

Posted: 16 Sep 2006, 04:00 PM
Dance Dance Revolution Mario Mix ~ I've been playing at my friend's house, and have been dying to have it, but I don't have a game cube. I would get DDR for PS2 but I don't have a dance pad, nor can I afford it or the game.

Seems like it'd be easy cheesy to get DDR for ps2 used somewhere... the dance pad I'm not too sure about XD

Posted: 17 Sep 2006, 12:20 PM

I'm blowing through Wind Waker (it's not very hard at all, but man is it pretty _) while I wait for Star Fox Assault to get here in the mail.

I'm also revisiting some old favorites--Super Metroid (best game ever), and Paper Mario2 :)

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