Ever searched endlessly for that perfect stock photo and not know what the terms of use are? Ever been desperate for a tutorial for your favorite program? Ever wished you knew someone in your area you could collaborate with, one whose artistic methods are similar to your own? Ever dream about being noticed for your capabilities instead of the number of favorites your piece has?
With "Palette" you will be able to have all these problems answered and more! "Palette" is an application capable of personalizing search results based on each individual user's interests. It spans across mediums working from scratches (conceptual arts and instructional) to shines (fully realized pieces spanning across digital arts, film, audio, and other various media) and everything in between! Further more, "Palette" stores and recommends other users and work based on their compatibility to each user's style, preferences, and personal ratings.
Rough Draft of a User Profile Page: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v65/Nalana/profile.jpg
This application is in the process of being submitted to several different organizations as a proposal for construction. This message is a call for audience response in order to collect feedback and demonstrate interest from potential users. Comments, Suggestions, and Questions are all valuable and appreciated.
If this message is in violation of any site rules, please contact the user so that they can correct any mistakes.