Hello, everyone! I stumbled on this site while trying to find an art-centered place that was relatively active, but also not set up like modern social or DA. Having an actual forum in today's world? I feel spoiled. Not sure why I never found it decades ago tbh, considering how long it seems to have been around. Glad to join and looking forward to sharing and chatting!
Welcome! Hope you like it here. Is that Susie in your profile pic by chance? I love Deltarune
Welcome to the site! It's a little on the quiet side, but it's a nice community. If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions, feel free to ping me.
-- BK
Welcome to Side7. c:
Welcome to the future of the living internet :)
enjoy your stay here!
Hello, welcome to Side7!
Welcome to Side 7!
Howdy and welcome!
Aye, Side 7 sits well off the beaten track, and it's testament to @BadKarma's commitment that it's endured when other, flashier sites have come and gone. After being burned twice in 2022, finding an old-skool host with a leadership whose head's on straight felt too good to be true.
We're a quieter site, but the regulars are pretty close-knit. Here's hoping we meet your needs. :)
Coming from a professional background in archiving, nothing irks me more than people trumpeting Reddit and Discord as the end of Internet forums. The sort of attention-deficit hyperactivity undergirding virtually all modern social media platforms clearly doesn't believe memory lasts much longer than five minutes, because it is absolute hell trying to search up anything older than a couple days (unless the hype squad has secured its SEO).
Like, new old stock, fresh out of the box?
Welcome to Side 7!