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My own Artificial Language, ''Tora''!!! - Started by: Meztli72
My own Artificial Language, ''Tora''!!!
Posted: 05 Nov 2024, 04:27 AM
This post has been edited 4 times. Last edit on 05 Nov 2024, 05:47 AM.

Description extracted from official sources:

Tora ("tiger" (虎) in Japanese) or Tora-go (虎語) (also coloquially known as "Elvish Japanese" = kuendennä nihongo = KUENDEゃ日本語) is an artificial language by me (Meztli72), created in February 2024, as a parody of the Japanese language where most vocabulary comes from Quenya, another artificial language created by the writer J.R.R. Tolkien. It's spoken at Elvish City, a super giant futuristic mega city the size of a small country!

Samples and more info (incomplete) is located at this gallery:

So basically, this ''conlang'' (constructed language) is a sort of Elvish-style Japanese ''creole''.

It can be written using any phonetical writing system. I invented the following: ''Tora hiragana'' and ''Tora katakana'', a Japanese-like system which resembles a lot real Japanese script. Besides, it uses kanji. It can be written using Tolkien's ''Tengwar'' script but in my own invented style called the ''Tora mode''. In the future, I will add Tolkien's ''Sarati'' script for further sample texts.

I will truly appreciate comments, suggestions and feedback!!! :)


Some sample words:

tree = alda = 木

island = töl, shima = 島 (yes, some words have more than a form)

internet = räima = 網, RAIMA (capitals mean that it has to be written using ''Tora katakana'')

car = nolorë = 車

(electric) train = densha = 電車

subway, underground, metro = kemenuanga = 地下鉄

please = ekenin, kudasai = ekenin, kudasai (non-capitals mean that it has to be written using ''Tora hiragana'')

drawing, painting = ë = 絵

you = lie = 你

elf = kuende = KUENDE

one = mini, hi = 一

two = atani, fu = 二

three = sandë, mi (nelde in compounds) = 三

book = parimä (parma in compounds) = 本

water = nen = 水

star = elen = 星

dragon = löke = 龍, 龙, LOーKE

horse = rokko = 馬

yes = hai = hai

no = = laー

RE: My own Artificial Language, ''Tora''!!!
Posted: 05 Nov 2024, 12:49 PM

People who can create constructed languages fascinate me with it. It's quite a feat to create one's own language.

-- BK

RE: My own Artificial Language, ''Tora''!!!
Posted: 05 Nov 2024, 06:52 PM

I can barely wrap my head around existing languages, but @fragmented_imagination does conlangs so there are kindred spirits lurking about. ;3

RE: My own Artificial Language, ''Tora''!!!
Posted: 05 Nov 2024, 07:01 PM
This post has been edited 1 time. Last edit on 05 Nov 2024, 07:02 PM.


People who can create constructed languages fascinate me with it. It's quite a feat to create one's own language.

I'm so glad because what you said. I feel the same way, I usually check out "Conlang Wiki" for cool language experiments. I Loved such stuff (and others) since my childhood (the 80s years). So glad, even if my language is too simple (uses English grammar as basis, no genders, no conjugation, etc.). But beware: there's some complexity as well: special grammatical features (for resembling Japanese structures, special particles for special tenses, etc.), some special specific fixed phrases (some of them based on Quenya equivalents, others from Japanese, others from several languages at the same time, most adverbial phrases), a lot of non-regularities because all words have to be memorized and the use of umlaut (¨) is not regular, but based mainly on stress and fitting to resemble the main base languages (Quenya and Japanese). Besides every word has three versions to be memorized to avoid confusion:

1) Latin script version, usually written in bold letters in my own descriptions for clarity;

2) Kanji and Latin script "Tora kana" transcription (as basis for using any phonetical language, with or without kanji replacement with that);

3) Additional Latin script transcription in special cases, for example, to specify that the Latin transcription and the "Tora kana" one has to be written in Tora katakana for some Chinese-origin readings.


ruined, damaged, corrupted: rükina = 形無na (the "na" in non-capitals mean that it has to be written in Tora hiragana)

spark plug(s): tinwepuragu = 点火PURAGU (the "PURAGU" in capitals mean that it has to be written in Tora katakana)

trolley bus: ostodenpanta = OSTODENPANTA (capitals means Tora katakana, no kanji here to resemble the Japanese equivalent)

Chongqing: yukë, chonchin = 重慶 <市 = "shi", CHONCHIN> <--- it means that the kanji 市, when appended, has to be pronounced as "shi" and not the Tora standard "osto", also the "CHONCHIN" part means that if we add, for example, furigana to this word, it has to be written in Tora katakana because one of the rules of this language is that Chinese transliterations for names of places, etc. have to be written that way just like Japanese people does. The same with Korean-origin readings. All special rules for a particular entry are written inside <>s.

Pronunciation has to be memorized even if rules are simple, because some Quenya-origin words feature the Japanese-like phenomenon of muting U vowel: as example: to give = änuta = 与 is pronounced as "änta" (stress at the umlaut). There are some special exceptions to the standard stress rules (ex. please (informal) = ekenin = ekenin is pronounced as Ekenin with stress at the first E. Almost all Japanese-origin words are pronounced with the same Japanese stress structure. More details at my Tora page at Conlang Wiki). ?

RE: My own Artificial Language, ''Tora''!!!
Posted: 05 Nov 2024, 10:29 PM
This post has been edited 1 time. Last edit on 05 Nov 2024, 10:30 PM.


I can barely wrap my head around existing languages, but @fragmented_imagination does conlangs so there are kindred spirits lurking about. ;3

His/her work with conlangs is awesome!! :)

RE: My own Artificial Language, ''Tora''!!!
Posted: 22 Nov 2024, 10:15 AM
This post has been edited 4 times. Last edit on 22 Nov 2024, 10:57 AM.

That's nice and all. But what is the point in making up languages that noboby speaks/understands? It pretty much defeats the very purpose of language.

RE: My own Artificial Language, ''Tora''!!!
Posted: 22 Nov 2024, 11:22 AM


That's nice and all. But what is the point in making up languages that noboby speaks/understands? It pretty much defeats the very purpose of language.

You would be surprised to learn the answer to that as you watch a little Game of Thrones.

Did you know language is therapeutic? And not just because it makes for a good signature.

RE: My own Artificial Language, ''Tora''!!!
Posted: 22 Nov 2024, 08:37 PM


That's nice and all. But what is the point in making up languages that noboby speaks/understands? It pretty much defeats the very purpose of language.

Does it really? It's far too easy to assume that language's only use is for communication. Language can be about artistic expression just as much as artwork, literature, music, and dance are. When you see Chinese or Arabic calligraphy, do you frown at it simply because you don't know what it says? Or do you wonder how it is that something that looks so simple can be so beautiful? Do English speakers not use calligraphy and cursive writing to make their words look pretty? What other purpose does this accomplish?

What Meztli has created is not simply a constructed language, but an artistic language, something that has run deeper in our history than you probably expect. I refer you to my first ALCA post here on Side 7. When people share their language, they are sharing their culture, their identity, the very livelihood they've grown up with with the convenience that the language is shared among a living, breathing world that we can go see any time. When people share an artistic language, they are sharing a culture they have built, with its own idea, its own perspective because it helps make these worlds feel so much more real. Look at the works I've mentioned in the journal post. Can you imagine the kind of depth you might lose if you took away the languages made by these creators? What would the Tolkien Legendarium be without those languages? Perhaps just another generic fantasy novel? Would Star Trek still be enjoyable without being able to cuss in Klingon? Would Magma and Kajiura Yuki's music maintain their mystic feel if we knew exactly what they were saying?

You may not understand what we are saying. But if you look and listen hard enough, you just might get a sense of what we are expressing.

RE: My own Artificial Language, ''Tora''!!!
Posted: 23 Nov 2024, 03:03 PM

I've been thinking of updating my "Tarish" language alphanet on my Gallery. Tarish is the language that planet Tarreon residents speak, alongside a few other english-like languages.

Your language is pretty interesting as well tbh.

RE: My own Artificial Language, ''Tora''!!!
Posted: 23 Nov 2024, 03:12 PM


I've been thinking of updating my "Tarish" language alphanet on my Gallery. Tarish is the language that planet Tarreon residents speak, alongside a few other english-like languages.

You're definitely on the good track. Handwriting makes for a very realistic writing system.

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