Interesting concept, the night visions shown rising from the fire rather than from Blackjack himself. Great work with the anatomy of his sleeping body's wings, all those complex folds of membrane and bone.
The campfire itself shouldn't be solid flat yellow, since it's a woodburning fire, so scatter in short streaks of red and orange, and just a spot of white in the center-base. The trees in the background seem attactched to Blackjack at first glance, but this could be fixed if you let the mist outline the area behind Blackjack's wings a bit more.
The effects on the dream dragon are incredibly well done, particularily at the point where its lower body merges with the flames, where it looks almost like a photographic effect. Personally, I like that the dragon and fire are painted in a different style than the more comic-book like Blackjack: it emphasises the difference between the real and the dream.
Very interesting concept. The colours are beautiful, though I can't help but feel that aside from the smoke, flames and dragon that it's a bit flat. Very different in style. Adding more shading and highlights to the rest of the work would help to unify it a bit more and make it a truly exceptional piece.
Very nice work!