@Warehouse_Rabbit: I daresay this set the mood for the rest of the trip. :3
The Misty Mountains by @Thorvald (El Thorvaldo)
The first morning at the homestead, I woke up to this sight, grabbed the camera and ran outside. I was phenomenally lucky to get this shot, as while morning mists were a constant feature, they would either be too thick and/or the glare from the sun would make it impossible to see the horizon.
Original photo taken May 2014. Submitted to DeviantArt June 2014.
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@Thorvald: It looks like a giant spider web.
@chaseawaythedark: Fun fact: Shelob wasn't CGI, they just sourced a spider from Oz. :^)
@Thorvald: Oz as in the Wizard of Oz?
@chaseawaythedark: Oz as in 'Stralya.
@Thorvald: I hope the spider got paid good money for his acting.
@EyeballEarth: One-in-a-million luck: every other morning it was either a white wall or too bright to produce a legible capture.
God, I love fog