@Camazotz: Would that I'd taken the time to learn manual lighting, I might've salvaged the sky in most of these. The sun was literally right over the crest and it's honestly a miracle this turned out as clear as it did.
Whangarei Falls by @Thorvald (El Thorvaldo)
Taken from the foot bridge near the base of the falls into almost-direct sunlight. Based on the preview in the camera I thought it was horrendously overexposed, but it actually turned out not that bad.
Original photo taken May 2014. Submitted to DeviantArt June 2014.
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@Thorvald: it’s still so pretty, looks like mist
@Camazotz: As someone who's been in waterfall mist, fair point. :P
@Thorvald: Did you go inside any of the bodies of waters you took pictures of?
@chaseawaythedark: Waded into Smugglers Bay and the harbour at Pataua (near the end of the trip; no pictures [yet]), but not here.
@Thorvald: I didn't know your camera was an underwater camera too. I hope mine is but I haven't tested it.
@chaseawaythedark: Oh, no, it's a second-hand DSLR, nothing like a GoPro.
@Thorvald: Oh I thought you meant you took underwater pictures. I lack this in any of my galleries too, with only two technical exceptions.
no way this is real