
  • Dream Tracks 2024-Visions Of Mana-Mana Forest
  • XxTheCreativeKitsunexX
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Dream Tracks 2024-Visions Of Mana-Mana Forest by @XxTheCreativeKitsunexX (XxTheCreativeKitsunexX)

The Mana series has always been a special game for me, from the very first time I played Secret Of Mana on the Super Nintendo to learning the iconic opening theme from the game on piano when I was just getting into learning music. The Mana series has always been a top all time favorite series for me along with the likes of Ys series, God of War and Uncharted series as well.

The Mana series has always had the most whimsical music in any game series and while there has been a lot of copy cats that came out over the years NONE have captured that fantastical element and gameplay or music that the series is well known for. It took a while but Mana has once again graced everyone with a new entry to the series and sadly if anyone is familiar with it...could be the last entry as the company who made the game Ouka studios was shut down by Net Ease Games which I think was a huge mistake.

So to pay proper homage to the game series being this may be the last series on console I see, I have made an entirely new track of music completely devoted to rekindling that touch of nostalgia for all Mana game series lovers like myself. Visions of Mana is my top contender for best ARPG next to FF rebirth and even Dragon's Dogma 2, while the game is not for everyone, it was made for long time fans like me who know what they like in a mana game and the music while fantastic simply is not as memorable as the other games in the series. So I have gone back to a simple style of music for this track while doing my best to re capture the style of music the Mana series has been for hundreds of thousands of fans and gamers alike

Take a trip to the Mana tree and see what I mean

Music is ©2024 J.Delorey Productions Sword Dancer Studio Canada LTD
Visions of Mana is © Square Enix and was produced by Ouka Studio as subsidiary of Net Ease Games
The Mana series is © and ™ Square Enix
Image is © and ™ Square Enix
This is a Fan Made track and is not canon to the Mana video game series
This track is not Licensed Sponsored or Endorsed by Square Enix
All Rights on the music Reserved by J.Delorey and J.Delorey Productions Canada LTD 

Comments & Critiques (11)

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Posted: Saturday, 07 September, 2024 @ 01:27 AM
Rating: 5

Another fine piece. Very whimsical and reminiscent of 90s and early 00s RPGs.

Posted: Saturday, 07 September, 2024 @ 05:51 PM

@BadKarma: I wanted to pay respect to the old school retro themes used in previous games, I remember being drawn into the worlds thanks to the music playing from the instruments and fantasy sounding themes.  While Mana games were whimsy the overall stories were very emotional driven and Visions is no different.  I wanted my tracks to showcase that side as well when it came to creating them.

Posted: Saturday, 07 September, 2024 @ 02:35 AM
Rating: 5

Agreed.  VERY well done and absolutely evokes the 90's feel.  To me, the Secret of Mana series will always be among the best games and music. 

Posted: Saturday, 07 September, 2024 @ 05:52 PM

@ajfox: Old school never dies, it just evolves into something new but as the saying goes.  There is no school like old school and till the day I die that saying will live on.

Posted: Saturday, 07 September, 2024 @ 04:37 PM
Rating: 5

As usual, a series I know by name but not by game. :^) Thankfully you said you were intentionally leaning retro because I immediately felt an RPGM vibe. This is quite a deft blend of the "stock" instrumentals with more modern melody; bridging the series indeed.

Ouka studios was shut down

Massive transnational conglomerates killing their devs to save a buck; name a more iconic duo.

Posted: Saturday, 07 September, 2024 @ 06:01 PM

@Thorvald: While PC has a ton of memorable games I imagine, console players also were blessed with some of the most amazing games that catered to every genre of gamer who grew up console based like myself.  Mana series originally got its start as a Final Fantasy game but because it was so vastly different then the actual game series, it was decided it would be a spin off.  The first game to come to America that was from the Mana series was Final Fantasy Adventure, it had all the tell tale signs of a JARPG from the start but what seperated it from Final Fantasy was the music, it was not your usual Nobuo Umeatsu masterpieces but something entirely differnt and from the opening theme you could hear this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XfiC3ZQcEpo&list=PLpgnfUv1WJmFrTJmpGl93L2CGXig1xsFX

From this theme alone a new game series was being birthed, it was then in August 6th 1993 Square Soft released the VERY FIRST JARPG to the Super Nintendo with a multiplayer game Secret of Mana.  It was a phoenominal success for Square and while not as touted as highly as Final Fantasy, garnered a very devoted fanbase who has continued to follow the series to this very day.  I am one of those devoted to keeping the Mana Tree Alive and Well.

Posted: Sunday, 08 September, 2024 @ 12:39 PM

This is lovely, and definitely reminiscent of Kikuta's best work. Do you have a Bandcamp page?

I've bought Visions of Mana and am greatly looking forward to playing it. (Working on Kingdom Hearts III atm.) I am saddened, but unfortunately not surprised, to hear that the music isn't as memorable/melodic as previous games. Although, I've enjoyed Kikuta's original and more recent work that I've heard, so I had been hoping for better. Still stoked to hear it.

Posted: Sunday, 08 September, 2024 @ 04:14 PM

@Jinx: Hi and thank you! Yes Visions is a FANTASTIC game I am 34 hours in soaking up EVERY single detail and every sight I can in such a well designed and beautiful world that is Visisions locals.  The music while not horrible DOES have a few pieces of music that really do stand close to the Mana series as a whole but something about the orchestration just feels a bit off for me.  I am speaking mainly as a music composer whose goal it is to know what makes a music track in a famous video game or movie soundtrack just work.

I think Visions still has a truly magnificent soundtrack and the composer is to be commended but again when you put it next to other games in the mana series soundtracks, it's just not as memorable does not mean there are not some absolutely excellent pieces of music,  it almost at times feels like a Mana soundtrack while others times it feels like a generic fantasy trope style music.  For me its a mixed bag but none of it is terrible by any means.

I am sure any Mana fan will enjoy what Visions has to offer in terms of scope and the heart wrenching storyline as well as the excellent battle mechanics and the keeping true to what makes a Mana game stand out from most JARPGs.

Posted: Sunday, 08 September, 2024 @ 04:16 PM

@Jinx: Also no I do not have Bandcamp I was originally on Soundcloud but the tumble weeds and dust piled up to the point where it was soul crushing to continue being there, no love was given to any of my works so I took all my tracks down and left. 

Posted: Monday, 09 September, 2024 @ 01:02 AM

@XxTheCreativeKitsunexX: That's a bummer. But, just saying, I'd love to have the opportunity to buy/download this track. 😉 (and probably more of your work, I just haven't taken the time to listen to more yet.)

Posted: Monday, 09 September, 2024 @ 04:54 AM

@Jinx: I am very pleased to hear that be that as it may Furaffinity and Side 7 are my haunting grounds online only, I originally was going to start a youtube channel for my music till I found out You tube copyrights works to be used as they see fit for their own personal gain.  I decided against posting to youtube because of this cause I keep creative control and all ownership to all my works.

Also I am working on 3 more Visions of Mana tracks each with a distinct feel that I was able to feel from the game's multiple biomes.   So I am pleased as plutonium to know the new tracks are just as eagerly awaited and will be enjoyed as this one has.  

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