One word... Adorably precious! Oh wait.... laughs that's two... I meant to write two but I wrote one... I could save myself a lot of trouble and just erase it and start again, but I'm too lazy so I'm just going to pretend like I never wrote that. ^^
He's so cute!!!!!!! I just want to yank him out of the computer and keep him as a pet. ^^ I love his big watery like eyes. ^^ They really draw you in. You just look at the picture at a glance and then you are drawn in by his eyes. ^^ I also like how his shirt is slipping off his shoulder. It's so cute. It's as though he shrank into chibi form and his clothes are too big for him. And his hair is so pretty. You must get sick of me telling you that you draw hair really well. pets Inu's head Can I keep him? ^^ Great job.
Very cute Chenoa. Although, if it was shesshoumaru i would have to steel him away from you....! When are you gonna be at Charlas so we can talk and draw together again! i miss it :( very very cute. Im now uploading my gallery with inu stuff if you wanna check it out later :)