@Thorvald: Yeah, exotic indeed!
If I remember correctly, the name “Makanora” is actually kinda a modification/corruption of a nickname my older sister used to call me. The story behind that was she wanted me to keep brushing her hair on a daily basis and I just kept getting so annoyed by this that the angrily threw the brush on the floor one day. A piece of the brush’s handle broke off at the end. The brush itself was still usable, but that incident alone made my sister call me “Makaka Brush-breaker” for a good while. I didn’t know what “makaka” meant, or if it even was a real word; but I somehow thought that I could use it as a name for one of my projects. Then I thought at the time the term sounded too silly, so my brain did a mish-mash of words and changed to “makanora” instead.
. . . AND THAT, is basically how the name came to be. Interesting how things work out sometimes. Who knows, maybe I’ll use both names in the future at some point . . . minus the “Brush-Breaker” part, obviously.
I gotta HAND it to you, Dray... :^)
SIx-legged reptilian hunchback reminds me of something, but I'm drawing a blank on the name. P.S.:
Mmm, exotic... [Homer drool]