Wow! This is a magnificent piece of work! Bravo!
Alison Didzena
Yes yes.. more computer coloured-crud. ^_^ I like it though.. the backround took forever and the characters even longer to colour... I only don't like how the faerie's face details are a bit blurred. and that Woven looks about to take a bite out of his faerie. XD actually, thats just funny...
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This is absolutely gorgeous. The colors, the gleam on the faeries.... my gods, you're so talented! I mean, looking at this and then remembering when you first sent me Sylphiel fanart so long ago... You've improved so much, and you're so original! I love these two characters. Santiago in particular has the coolest design, and Woven is really gorgeous.
As for this picture, I'm truly impressed at how you've given the feel of foliage all around them. They really look like they're walking in a forest! The glowing fairies are such an excellent touch--with the transparent wings and everything! I can't even imagine how you do such beautiful work. Your images seriously glow to me, your lighting is just so beautiful.
I'm so happy that I have the chance to see your art. Seriously.
woo there...The Backround looks soo cool with the mix of colors green. =) i love fairys!! hehe =) good job!!