Wow, this is amazing, its so good. I could never draw that (drawing real people, who actualy look real is so hard!) I really liked Aaliyah's music too, but this does her memory justice.
Aaliyah Lounging by @dragonflyblue (Amy Kitchen)
This was done right after Aaliyah's death. I loved her music so much. Her death is such a tragic loss.
Comments & Critiques (3)
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Posted: Thursday, 20 November, 2003 @ 01:01 PM
Hey thank you for the kind words. But I just want to say quit telling yourself you cant draw something. That is no way for you to think, I looked at your gallery and you have talent too. Maybe just star practicing some realisim around that manga style you have. I was the same way when I would look at Boris Vallejo's art, like I can never draw that. Well now you can judge for yourself on how I draw compared to Boris. But please dont be so negative. Your art is cool as well.
WOW! this is such a beautiful peice! the skin tones are amazing and the shoulders are great! also the hair is done really nicely and the tatoo really looks attached to the skin (sometimes when people draw tatoos they look like their floating... :0...strange) keep up the amazing work! x greyheart