And I, predictably enough, am ladyamberjo. XD
Live Journals are wonderful things...
Daisy Hunt
And Marik is decidedly NOT happy! Yami Marik's already done something to hurt Ishizu, and Marik's not going to let him get away with going after Rishid too!
Drawn for a contest at a LiveJournal community and inspired by playing with a plastic scythe in Wal-Mart. XD;
Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind
Myu, you have a Live Journal, Daisy?
...and the veins just get veinier! Heh, and he's bloodshot this time, too...very nice. I would suggest leaving in the bits of his hair that weren't affected by whatever static electricity keeps his hair erect in, though, the ones that lie against his shoulders...Malik's dark personality tends to look like an evil treasure troll without them ^^:
Nice light reflections on Malik's jewelry, as always...and the grass is nicely detailed.
Plastic scythes are fun...but not as fun as plastic pitchforks! XD