I am finally finished with this. I don't think I ever had this much trouble with a piece of art before. It became so brutal for me to even finish this and a lot of times I wanted to toss it and call it quits. At first I tried color pencil but than I spilt coffee on it and got frustrated. I didn't want to get back to coloring it from square one again and that is about the time I discovered digital art.
I thought that I wasn't good enough to do this particular piece in photoshop at the time and it just went in the back burner for a bit. It went unnoticed and somewhat forgotten by me.
After much pressure from my roomate I dug out the original copy a scanned it in, colored it and the BG was the hardest for me because I had several ideas for it. But I decided winter would be good since it represents death, and well since Crocell is a vampire... well you get the idea.
I was going to add snow but I thought that would be too much so I left it out. I just hope you guys like it a lot because I fought with this thing so hard. Thank you all.
Note: I did look at some J-rock artists for the hair, etc.
I like this. Despite what you say about your digital side, I think the coloring is well done. I especially like how you colored his eye and hair. You did a great job drawing his hair. I do see the J-rock influence, but it works well with the character. Nice job!